Virginia’s Family First EBPs
Child Age Range: 6-17
Problem area: Dysfunctional family patterns; Poor parent mental health
Treatment outcomes: Lower likelihood of future law involvement
Treatment length: 3-5 months
Marker for family fit: All family members in need of change, not just child, youth with co-occurring disorders
Overview of relevant Title IV-E Clearninghouse evidence surrounding BSFT
Presented by Program Developer Olga Hervis, MSW
Purveyor Website: Family Therapy Training Institute of Miami
Brief Strategic Family Therapy
Child age range: 2-17
Problem area: Any issue plus lack of motivation for treatment; disengaged family members
Treatment outcomes: Greater likelihood to engage in treatment that follows; Family wellbeing
Treatment length: 1-4 months
Marker for family fit: High risk for treatment dropout
Overview of relevant Title IV-E Clearninghouse evidence surrounding FCU
Presented by Dr. Anne Marie Mauricio and Dr. Elizabeth Stormshak
Family Check-Up
Child age range: 11-18
Problem area: Youth substance use, disruptive behavior and conduct issues, depression; Family conflict
Treatment outcomes: Better coping skills; greater family cohesion
Treatment length: 4-8 months
Marker for family fit: Youth conduct, youth substance abuse
Overview of relevant Title IV-E Clearninghouse evidence surrounding FFT
Presented by Dr. Helen Midouhas
Functional Family Therapy
Child age range: 0-21
Problem area: Complex behavioral/emotional/mental health needs
Treatment outcomes: Positive effects on school functioning, mental health symptoms and functioning, and residential outcomes for diverse youth populations
Treatment length: Varies based on need
Marker for family fit: Need for service coordination between multiple care providers
Overview of relevant Title IV-E Clearninghouse evidence surrounding HFW
High Fidelity Wraparound
Child age range: 0-18
Problem area: Crisis; unstable living situation
Treatment outcomes: Placement stability
Treatment length: 4-6 weeks
Marker for family fit: Basic needs have yet to be met
Overview of relevant Title IV-E Clearninghouse evidence surrounding HB
Presented by Dr. Shelley Leavitt
Child age range: 12-17
Problem area: Conduct issues; truancy; law involvement; Poor parent mental health
Treatment outcomes: Prevents out-of-home placement, law involvement; Less disruptive behavior
Treatment length: 3-5 months
Marker for family fit: Repeat court involvement
Overview of relevant Title IV-E Clearninghouse evidence surrounding MST
Presented by Dr. Lisa Reiter
Multisystemic Therapy
Child age range: 2-7
Problem area: Defiance, aggression, extreme mood swings; ineffective social skills; safety concerns
Treatment outcomes: Positive parenting skills; decreased parent sadness and irritability; Stronger parent-child bond
Treatment length: ~6 months, but depends on family progress
Marker for family fit: Parent willingness to learn new skills
Overview of relevant Title IV-E Clearninghouse evidence surrounding PCIT
PCIT Outcomes and Benefits One-Pager
A more in-depth look at the proven benefits of PCIT, compiled by CEP-Va staff using studies cited in the Title IV-E Clearinghouse.
Presented by Andrea Carpenter, LPC
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy
EBP Comparison Resources for Providers and Community Stakeholders
EBP Summaries Table
Basic overview of all Virginia Family First evidence-based programs eligible for Title IV-E funding (training and reimbursement)
Family Therapy Decision-making Guide #1 - BSFT, FFT, and MST
Comparison chart for elements of Brief Strategic Family Therapy, Functional Family Therapy, and Multisystemic Therapy, including age limits, referral indicators, treatment length, family involvement, and predictors of success
Family Therapy Decision-making Guide #2 - BSFT and FCU
Comparison chart for elements of Brief Strategic Family Therapy and Family Check-Up, including age limits, referral indicators, caregiver requirements, treatment length, locations, training requirements, and caseload requirements
Navigating Virginia’s Title IV-E Prevention Services Plan and Evidence-Based Programs
Navigating Evidence-Based Programs for Children and Families
Navigating Evidence-Based Programs for loved ones
Bench Card Guide to EBPs Available in Virginia
Card provided to judges across the state to increase awareness of EBPs available for youth
EBPs and Foster Care Prevention
An overview of the data surrounding how Virginia’s Family First EBPs can help reduce the risk of foster care for families.